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Trees4Leads – Leadgeneration (and hearts) with trees

Win customers’ hearts – and leads on “Green Friday” – with tree sponsorships:

Green Friday as an alternative to Black Friday

I don’t know about you, but I get stressed out by Black Friday and the whole consumer craze around it, which I prefer to avoid. That’s why I go to St Peter-Ording every year in November and do most of my shopping offline. Last year I heard about “Green Friday” as an alternative movement for the first time. (among others on Bustle Fashion or BBC):
What does “Green Friday” mean? In short, “Green Friday” is a sustainable, alternative shopping event to Black Friday. On this day, retailers “compensate” a part of their profits in order to do something good for the environment. In other words, not only consumers should benefit from Green Friday, but above all the environment. The participating retailers decide for themselves exactly how to do this. Some plant trees or donate parts of their earnings. The aim is not to demonize consumption per se, but to draw attention to more sustainable consumption and to create a benefit for the environment and climate with one’s own purchases.

Our trees for €1 could be used by retailers on Green Friday (or any other day!) as an incentive or “small thank you” to reduce returns or to buy more sustainable products from the range. Freely according to the motto “We plant a tree for every purchase without a return” or similar.

Normally, we do “market research that plants trees” with GreenAdz. What our role model, the search engine Ecosia.org, does with “search that plants trees”, we do with what we know how to do – market research: We always incentivize every participant of our online surveys with a tree donation as a thank you. At €1 per respondent, this costs much less than most would expect, but not only results in better participation rates and deeper insights, but above all in lasting joy, as we see again and again from the many positive reactions of our respondents.

Participation in our surveys is what we call a “lead”: “Simply defined, leads in marketing refer to any individual or organization within your marketing reach who has interacted with your brand way or has the potential to become a future customer.” (vgl. Definition Marketing Guide on wrike.com)

What is your lead? With the Trees4Leads campaign, we want to know

Because it’s not just through our market research projects, such as our campaign-accompanying influencer marketing studies on Instagram in GenZ, that we have now cracked the 100,000 tree mark. They have all already been planted in our GreenAdz forest:
Since 2017, more and more companies have been getting enthusiastic about our tree-replacement card idea at Christmas under #BaumstattKarte: For a flat rate of one euro per tree, our cooperation partners ensure that our GreenAdz forest grows with each seedling and sets a positive example against climate change. Because each tree binds about 6 kg of CO2 per year and can thus compensate for about half a ton of CO2 in the course of its long life, great, isn’t it?

We are happy with all the companies that plant trees – like Ecosia.org, Plant-for-the-Planet, Grow my Tree, The Generation forest, Aktion-Baum.org, weforest, Primaklima, Myclimate or Treedom – for their success and that tree planting is more in vogue than ever. And basically, we don’t care* which cooperation partner you plant trees with – the main thing is that you do it! 😉

But of course we are especially happy if you plant your trees with us for 1,-€ per tree and “our” GreenAdz forest continues to grow and thrive (to see, here on our interactive webmap with all info about the project). We have chosen our project partner weforest out of complete conviction and are happy to have been working with the great people there for so long and in a spirit of trust.

4 examples of using a tree incentive for lead generation #Trees4Leads:

You can use a tree as a marketing incentive wherever the added value or ROI from its use is greater than €1. Depending on the marketing goal, many lead generation possibilities can be named here. We have compiled five possible uses for our #Trees4Leads:

  • Content marketing: Higher Conversion Rates

    Increase conversion rate or opt-in rate by using a tree as an additional incentive for downloading a freebie, such as a whitepaper, checklist or workbook #Trees4OptIns

  • Email marketing: Faster growing email lists

    Try out a tree as a thank you for newsletter signup!

  • Social media marketing: boosting engagement rates

    Companies create social media posts that interest the target audience…. A tree can serve as an added incentive to click, like or share the post.

  • Outbound marketing: trees for higher response rates

    Companies actively reach out to potential customers via phone, email, or mail. A tree donation can be used as an incentive for higher response rates – in our surveys, participation rates increase by over 25 percent with tree incentive!

Are you ready for your first tree planting campaign? Planting trees for one euro is easier than you think with us!

The process of planting trees with GreenAdz is quite uncomplicated:

  • Determine the number of trees – how many leads did you archieve?

    You tell us by e-mail to Baumspender@greenadz.de that you would like to give your customers each a tree as ann incentive for a lead and thus support our great project in Zambia.
    You only need to specify how many of your customers you would like to give a tree to (or how large your email list is):

    e.g. 100 customers (=leads) = 100 trees = 100,-€ plus VAT. Cost.

  • Send your “tree greetings” electronically and give away the tree sponsorships per lead

    You promise and give away one tree to your customers for each lead. However, you are responsible for the counting as well as the creative implementation – i.e. you can communicate the tree sponsorship in your store or via social media, send your own greetings – ideally via e-mail – to your customers or send a personalized tree voucher via QR code for each customer. We will be happy to provide you with inspiration and approved customer examples for this.
    And we take care of your given away tree sponsorships and make sure that this number of your promised and ordered new seedlings are really planted for the project in Zambia. For this purpose, we commission our partner, the environmental organization weforest, with the planting. By next quarter at the latest, the new count will be visible on our interactive WebMap. Since “your” trees are given consecutive numbers by us, you can see directly when they were planted in Zambia and can also use the numbers of the trees for your communication.

  • Transparency and communication are key

    We will issue you an invoice for the number of trees planted for 1,-€ per tree plus VAT. We will be happy to confirm the number of ‘your’ planted trees in writing in the form of a tree sponsorship certificate.
    We would be happy to list you on our tree sponsorship page – you are of course welcome to use the certificate and link for your communication purposes.

    Share the positive reactions on social media – because small ideas can only grow so big and make the world a little bit greener. The more people who take part, the better – it doesn’t matter whether you plant 50, 500 or 5,000 trees, the main thing is to get started and be surprised by the positive reactions!


request non-binding information package about tree sponsorships for 1,-€ per tree (minimum order quantity: 50 trees)

Write us an email to BAUMSPENDER@greenadz.de and we will discuss the details - uncomplicated and at short notice
(Status: 01.10.2024)

This is where our trees are planted: In the GreenAdz forest in Zambia

Our interactive webmap at weforest shows our forest in Zambia and much more information about the project

“And where do you plant your trees?” is the first question we are asked as soon as we tell people that we not only do “market research that plants trees”, but that tree planting has also become our private passion.

How nice when we can then show our always up-to-date interactive webmap. Here in Zambia we plant ‘our’ trees together with weforest. By the way, weforest is the first partner of the green search engine ECOSIA, our big role model. The “search engine that plants trees” shows how easy it is to do good by the way. And if you don’t search with Ecosia yet, you should start quickly. Another step for many new trees on our planet.

*: OK, we don’t really care which partner you plant trees with either, because there are now a large number of companies that operate tree planting more or less as a business model or are true believers. In contrast to companies such as Reviewforest.org, which plant a tree for every Google review (at €5 plus VAT, five times more expensive than our trees), the founders of Ecosia or the non-profit GmbH Aktion-Baum.org are true believers and are committed to making seedlings cheaper so that more trees can be planted (regardless of profit).
For a small introduction to the topic, which organization suits you (if we with our non-profit cooperation partner weforest.org are not), I recommend the article on Utopia: “Planting trees for the climate: 15 recommendable organizations – and what you should look out for“.

PS: Here are a few more customer reactions to our #Trees4Christmas campaign:

We have been saving ourselves the trouble of printing Christmas cards for years. Instead, we give away electronic New Year’s greetings paired with a tree to our friends and customers. This is not only more climate-friendly, but at one euro per tree, it’s even cheaper than any rocket or card plus postage. It’s an ingenious idea that has also inspired other companies to give trees instead of Christmas cards or as New Year’s greetings. This is shown by reactions like these:

[…]By the way, we had 27 customer responses to our “tree instead of card” campaign and the customers were very enthusiastic about the great sustainable campaign.
So it was a complete success for us too! […] […]our newsletter is personalized out ….and the response is fantastic :-))))
Our customers are thrilled. We have never received so much positive feedback on a Christmas campaign. […]

Conclusion: lead generation through trees or “trees-instead-of-Christmas-cards/birthday greetings/newsletter subscription/online store order/or-whatever” go down well – now it’s your turn, just give it a try!

Bäume statt Böller als Neujahrsgruß - mit 1,-€ günstiger als jede Rakete

Susanne Riehl, founder of You-craft-it.de, gave me the idea for the Bäume-statt-Böller campaign. You-craft-it.de

Her New Year’s greeting to your customers turned out great, didn’t it?


“You are the Viva con Aqua for market research”.

Respondend, GreenAdz B2C-Study 2015

“Nice thing about the tree sponsorship. Considering how many pointless Christmas presents roll in, this is definitely the better option […]”

B2B-Customer, Christmas tree sponsorship response

“The trees at Christmas were so well received by our customers that we would like to ‘reorder’ another 150 trees”

B2B-Customer, Marketing

About the author:

Dr. Sandra Gärtner is co-founder of the market research and technology service provider GreenAdz as well as an independent market research consultant with mediaresearch42 from Hamburg with passion and a green soul. Green, because GreenAdz stands for “market research that plants trees” and the sustainable incentive concept is particularly effective in the area of influencer marketing research – especially for campaign-accompanying advertising impact studies of influencer campaigns.

More appreciative than classic pop-up survey invitations, we help our customers better understand their customers through good online surveys: We are always unobtrusively involved and ALWAYS incentivize each respondent with a tree sponsorship. For higher participation rates, better results and above all: more fun.

And because it’s so ingenious and simple, we also convince companies to use a tree like this as a thank you for all their other marketing campaigns. We call this ‘#Trees4Leads’ and have written a separate blog post about it here: “Mit Bäumen Leads und Herzen gewinnen

#Trees4Christmas #Trees4Leads #ChristamasCards #ThePerfectGift #Christmas2023


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