Many thanks to our supporters and customers!


Dr. Boje Rittich, Gynäkologe, Hamburg | Johannes Wollenberg – Beratung. Coaching. Supervision. | SK Coaching & Therapie | GIS-Akademie u.v.m. | and many, many privately given away trees.

This is what our customers, their customers and our survey participants say about our questionnaires and about your tree sponsorship

Viva con Agua for market research!

Respondent from GreenAdz study

Well briefly say my opinion and a new tree is planted for it, is a great thing!

Respondent from GreenAdz study

I think it’s great that trees are planted through the survey, I usually never participate in surveys but with this one I just had to participate!!! Great!

Follower von Instagram-Influencer

Making a big difference with small means, foresight, social responsibility

Respondent from GreenAdz study

Everyone should have 5 minutes to spare for a good cause.

Respondent from GreenAdz study

Great and thoughtful survey, would love more of these

Instagram Follower

I think it’s great that something useful is done with such a questionnaire.

Follower Instagram

Really a great thing that for five minutes of my time a tree is planted. Gladly more often!

Follower Instagram
Sehr guter Fragebogen!
Follower Instagram
Bäume sind cool!
Follower Instagram
Wir sollten mehr für die Unwelt tun. Deshalb finde ich die Baumspende eine schöne Idee. Sonst hätte ich auch nicht am Fragebogen teilgenommen.
Follower Instagram
War angenehm, sowohl die Länge als auch Verständlichkeit und Layout
Follower Instagram
Supi, ein Bäumchen! <3
Follower Instagram
Vielen lieben Dank für eure Mühe.
Follower Instagram
Ich finde die Idee mit der Baumspende echt toll!!!!!
Follower Instagram
Spread Love and plant trees <3
Follower Instagram

The action incl. tree feedback was really well received!

Feedback from field service (B2B customer)

our newsletter is personalized out ….and the response is fantastic :-))))

Customer after their #Tree4Christmas Campaign

Our customers are thrilled. We have never received so much positive feedback on a Christmas campaign.

Client after #Trees4Christmas campaign

Would you like to plant trees as well?

Our mission is to make good online surveys and to treat respondents with appreciation and at eye level. Our vision is to plant as many trees as possible in the process.

Since there are many more people who want to plant trees compared to market research clients, there are now many more opportunities to plant trees with us:

  • Are you looking for a service provider for your next online survey or study project? We always reward our respondents and your customers for their participation with a tree – for higher response and better result quality. And enthusiastic participants. Get in touch and ask us!

  • You would like to give away trees for the birthday of your employees or as a #Tree4Christmas? For 1,-€ per tree you can make employees and customers happy and order your tree contingent from us.

  • You would like to thank your customers for an online order or a project completion with tree sponsorships  as marketing incentive? With one euro, the thank you is already meaningful for small transactions.

  • Greet your customers instead of a Christmas card this year with a “tree-instead-of-chritmas-card” – and if sent electronically with one euro even cheaper than printing and postage.

  • Want to say thank you with a tree every time you share a social media post ans increase your social media engagement rates? With #Share4aTree you thank with trees for sharing or liking your social media activities.

  • You would like to compensate the CO2 balance of your company with trees? Contact us

Your contact

Dr. Sandra Gärtner
Dr. Sandra GärtnerGeschäftsführerin GreenAdz GmbH & Co. KG und Inhaberin

Market/media researcher with passion and green soul

“We are market researchers with passion and a green soul: What the search engine does with search, we love to do with market research: We combine a better quality of results and higher response rates with a good a respectful customer experience. Everyone has a better feeling helping to do at least something against the climate crisis.”